8th Social science Notes and MCQs

Class 8 Social Science
Rise of Jainism and Buddhism 
Textual Questions and Answers
I. Complete the following sentences by using suitable words in the blanks:

Question 1.
The first Jain Tirthankara was …………

Question 2.
Vardhamana was born at ……………

Question 3.
Mahaveera attained …………… in his 42nd year
 Question 4.
Mahaveera attained Nirvana at ……………… in his 72nd years

Question 5.
The original name of Gautama Buddha was ……………

Question 6.
Buddha delivered his first sermon at …………..

Question 7.
The first sermon of Buddha is called …………….
1. Rishabhanatha
2. Vaishali (Kundaligrama)
3. Enlightenment
4. Pavapuri
5. Siddhartha
6. Saranatha
7. Dharma Chakra Pravarthana

II. Answer the following questions in brief:

Question 1.
Write in detail about Mahaveera’s life.
Vardhman was born in Kundala grama village in Vaishali. His father was Siddhartha, the king of the Gantrika tribe. His mother was Trishaladevi Vardhamana was married to Yashodhara, at the age of 30 Vardhamanas set out in search of truth and renounced his family and house.
He punished his body by fasting. At the age of 42 he enlightenment and became to be known as ‘Mahaveera’ and became a Jina. He spent 30 years in preaching his knowledge to the people around Ganga and Yamuna rivers. He attained nirvana in his 72nd year in Pavapuri of Bihar. 

Question 2.
What is Triratna?
Mahaveera taught five vows and three principles of behavior. The latter are called triratans are samyaksyan, Samyak
dharshan, Samya chavitha.

Question 3.
Name the sects among the Jains.
Swethambars and Digambars are the two sects of Jains. Those wear white clothes are called swethambars, whereas those who do not wear any clothes are called Digambars.

Question 4.
What is the middle path?
Buddha preached the Eight Fold Path for eliminating desires. The adoption of these paths is called the Middle Path. The Eight-Fold Paths are as follows. Right-Action, Speech, Vision, Livelihood, Effort, Recollection, Resolve, Thought.

Question 5.
Who were the people influenced by the new religions?
Many wealthy merchants, artisans, and common people were inspired by the teachings of Buddha. The people of the cities attracted by the teachings of Buddha and he became a ray of hope in the changed circumstances. The simple principles taught by Buddha took on a new role of transforming the lives of people. Many kings like Ashoka, Kanishka, and others made Buddhism as the Religion of state and worked for its spread.

Question 6.
Write a not on the Tripitikas.
After Buddha’s death, his followers collected his teachings and traditions in the form of Tripitikas. These are Vinaya, Dharma, and Abhidhamma pikas. Over a period of time, disagreements developed in the teachings and different branched of Himayana, Mohayan, Vajrayana and there are sutras that came into being Buddhism sprang up.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Parsh wanatha was the son of
(a) Ashwagosha
(b) Aswasena
(c) Bimbasa
(d) Rishaba
(b) Aswasena 

Question 2.
The five principles of Bramacharaya was taught by
(a) Vardhamana
(b) Parswanath
(c) Buddha
(d) Rishaba
(a) Vardhamana
Question 3.
Vardhamana was born in
(a) Kundala
(b) Vyshali
(c) Kunda
(d) Kamandala
(b) Vyshali

Question 4.
Vardamana attained nirvana at the age of
(a) 60
(b) 70
(c) 72
(d) 78
(c) 72

Question 5.
The Earlier name of Gowtama Buddha was
(a) Shuddodana
(b) Siddartha
(c) Rishaba
(d) Siddesha
(b) Siddartha 

Question 6.
Buddha gave his message in
(a) Sanskrit
(b) Hindi
(c) Tamil
(d) Prakrti
(d) Prakrti

Question 7.
Buddha died at
(a) Kushi pur
(b) Kushal pur
(c) Kushi nagar
(d) Shalk pur
(c) Kushi nagar

Question 8.
The present name of the kushinagar is
(a) Khosala
(b) Kalinga
(c) Mahaparinirvana
(d) Madras
(c) Mahaparinirvana

Question 9.
Shuddodana was the king of
(a) Shakya
(b) Shaka
(c) Kalinga
(a) Shakya

Question 10.
Vardamana was married to
(a) Yashodhara
(b) Lalitha
(c) Kamala
(d) Chandrika
(a) Yashodhara
II. Answer the following questions in brief

Question 1.
What were the causes of the rise of Jainism and Buddhism?
1. Jainism and Buddhism arose as a reaction to the Rigid Vedic religion.
2. The Vedic religion involved many rights and sacrifices.
3. Rituals and sacrifices were not only complex but also had become very expensive
4. The Rigid caste system made the life of the Shudras miserable
5. ‘Janapadas’ and ’Mahajanapadas’ were supported to non-violence

Question 2.
What are the five vows taught by Mahaveera?
The five vows are as follows:
1. Non-violence
2. Truth
3. Astheya
4. Aparigraha
5. Brahmacharya

Question 3.
What are Triratnas?
1.  Samyakgyan
2.  Samyacharitha
3.  Aparigraha

Question 4.
Name the important Kannada poets of Jainism period
The famous Kannada poets Pampa 

Question 5.
Describe, the life story of Buddha
Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddartha was the founder of Buddhism he was born in Lumbini in 563 B.C. His parents were Shuddodhana and Mayadevi, Renouncing kingly luxury and familial happiness Siddartha became a hermit. He went in search of truth. Attaining enlightenment he became Buddha, he enlightened one, he first went to Sarnath near Banaras.
He preached four noble truths and the eightfold path. In his 80th year, Buddha’s glorious life of selfless service came to an end at Kushi Nagar.

Question 6.
What are the eightfold paths of Buddha?
The noble fold paths consist of the following.
1.   Right thought
2.   Right vision
3.   Right Livelihood
4.   Right effort
5.   Right speech
6.   Right Recollection
7.   Right action
8.   Right Resolve

Question 7.
Give any five teachings of Buddha.
The teachings of Buddha are:
1. He preached every living thing is worthy of love
2. By following the middle path one can attain nirvana
3. The man’s present and next lives depend upon his karma
4. He preached the brotherhood of mankind and equality to all
5. The prominent saying of Buddha is desire was the root cause of sorrow.

Question 8.
What is ‘Divija’?
The Vyshyas, who were engaged in animal husbandry and business were also called ‘twice-born’ or ‘Dvija’.

Question 9.
Which cities grew in India during 6th B.C.E?
Koushambi Kushinagar Varanari Vaishali Rajaruha Chirand etc. 

Question 10.
Write the important views of Buddha and Mahaveera
1. They identified the desire as the main reason for all the human hardships
2. Simple living without accumulation too much wealth
3. They rejected luxurious life
4. Moral family life
5. They preached the people in their own languages Pali & Prakrit

III. Match the following:



1. Buddhism

a. 24th Thirthankara

2. Jainism

b. Eightfold path

3. Mahavira

c. Kushi Nagar

4. Buddha

d. Pavapuri

5. Ambhi

e. Takshashila

1.     b
2.     a
3.     d
4.     c
5.     e

Class 8 Social Science 
Mauryas and Kushans 
Textual Questions and Answers

I. Complete the following sentences by using suitable words in the blanks:

Question 1.
Chanakya came to be known as ………….

Question 2.
Meghasthan’s work …………..

Question 3.
The capital of the Mauryas was ……………

Question 4.
The founder of the Kushans dynasty was ………..

Question 5.
The new era of Kanishka’s regin is called the …………

Kujula Kadaphisus

II. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
List the sources which reflect upon the history of Mauryas.

  1. Megasthenes-Indica
  2. Kautilya’s Arthashastra
  3. Vishakadatta’s-Mudrarakshasa
  4. Deepavamsha & Mahavamsha
  5. Inscriptions of Ashoka
Question 2.
Name the important cities during Ashoka period.

  1. Pataliputra
  2. Thakshashila
  3. Ujjain
  4. Kalinga
  5. Suvarnagiri

Question 3.
Ashoka has been named has Great by the historians. Give reasons.

After Kalinga war Ashoka went into repentance on seeing the devastation created by war.
He accepted Buddhism, took many steps to spread principles of Buddhism
He gave importance to inscription
Ashoka gave priority to welfare programmes for people
He constructed many historical monuments. Ex: Sanchi stupas, Saranfctha etc. .
Many poets, philosopher were encouraged by him

Question 4.
Describe Ashoka’s administration.

There was a strong espionage network
Ministers, priest, prince were the higher subordinates of the king
The Empire was divided into provinces
Takshashila, Ujjain, Douli, Surarnagiri, were regional administration centers
King appointed Rujuka & Yuta officials
His aspirations were expressed through edicts.

Question 5.
Which dynasty did the Kushans belong to?
Kushans were basically from a nomadic tribes which had migrated to India from central Asia. They were the progeny of Yuchi.

Question 6.
What was the extent of Kanishka’s empire?

Kanishka’s rule had spread upto sanchi in the south & Banaras in the East
His kingdom which included central Asia too was a vast empire
Purushapura was his capital

Class 8 Social Science 
Mauryas and Kushans 
Additional Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers:

Question 1.
The first Indian empire was ……….
The Mauryas

Question 2.
Arrian, Strabo, Diodorus were belonged to ………………. (nation) writers

Question 3.
The prime ministers of Chandragupta Maurya was …………..

Question 4.
The manuscript of Kautilya’s Arthashastra discovered by ……………..
R. Shamushastri

Question 5.
‘Live and let live’ stated by …………….

Question 6.
Ashoka sent his son Rahula & Daughter Sangamithra to …………… to spread Buddhism

Question 7.
Mauryans introduced the silver coins were ………….

Question 8.
Rujuka: Justice officer: Yukta: …………
Information Record

Question 9.
Our national emblem of four headed lion is taken from …………
Saranatha pillar

Question 10.
Kushans capital was ……….

II. Choose the correct options:

Question 1.
Deepavamsha and mahavamsha belongs to ………….
a) Srilanka
b) Pataliputra
c) Shravana belagola
d) Kalinga
a). Srilanka

Question 2.
Kalinga war fought in year …………..
a) 324 B.C.E
b) 367 B.C.E
c) 261 B.C.E
d) 273 B.C.E
c). 261 B.C.E

Question 3.
Devanampriya priyadarshi reference appears for the Ist time at ……………… inscription.
a) Maski
b) Samath
c) Paraliputra
d) Suvhrnagiri
a). Maski

 Question 4.
The main source of income for king was
a) Fine
b) Land tax
c) Tribute
d) War
b). Land tax

Question 5.
Gold coins were brought out into circulation during ………………… period of Kushana.
a) Kujalakadphisus
b) Kanishka
c) Vimalakad phisus
d) Vimakad phisus
c). Vimakad phisus

III. Answer the following questions in brief:

Question 1.
Write a short note on Kalinga war.

Kalinga war fought in 261 BCE between Ashoka and Kalinga ruler.
One lakh people died through Kalinga was won by Ashoka .
He was disturbed by the deaths he decided not wage war there after

Question 2.
Which steps were taken by Ashoka to spread Buddhism?

Ashoka appointed ‘Dharmamahamtra’
He installed inscription all across the kingdom .
Preaches were sent to other countries.
Ex: Rakshita was sent to Banavasi. Mahadeva was sent to Mahishamandala. Rahula & Sangamithra to Srilanka
He organized the third Buddhist conference to Pataliputra in 250 BCE

Question 3.
Name the titles of King Ashoka


Question 4.
Explain briefly the social system of Mauryas.

Varna based caste system
Brahmana and Kshtriya could interchange their status
Maegasthenes records the presence of seven castes in Mauryan society in his Indica.
Slavery system was practiced
Shudras the last in the Varna system they employed or agriculture.

Question 5.
What were the contributions of Mauryans to Art/Architecture

Mauryas capital Pataliputra surrounded by forts
Many ‘stupa’ and pillars were erected.
Sanchi stupa is the biggest
Four headed lion of pillar is in Saranatha
Three rock cut caves at Barbar hill
His son Darsharatha built three more rocks cut caves at Nagaruni hills.
Question 6.
Draw a out line map of India and Locate the Maurayans Empires, boundries.

  1. Patalipura
  2. Thakshashila
  3. Ujjayini
  4. Maski
  5. Kalinga
  6. Raj agriha

Class 8 Social Science 
The Guptas and Vardhanas 
Textual Questions and Answers

I. Multiple Choice Question:

Question 1.
Chandragupta 1 got the title
(a) Maharaja
(b) Powerful King
(c) Adhiraja
(d) Maharaja diraja
(d) Maharaja diraja

Question 2.
The king who had great passion for music was
(a) Kumaragupta
(b) Srigupta
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Chandragupta
(c) Samudragupta

Question 3.
Chandragupta II earned the title
(a) Maharajadiraja
(b) Vikramaditya
(c) Maharaja
(d) Great king
(b) Vikramaditya

Question 4.
Who wrote Shankuntala?
(a) Visakadatta
(b) Charaka
(c) Shushruta
(d) Kalidasa
(d) Kalidasa

Question 5.
Who was the famous astronomer of Gupta dynasty?
(a) Varahamihira
(b) Kalidasa
(c) Vishakadatta
(d) Shusshruta
(a) Varahamihira

II. Fill In The Blanks:

Question 1.
The Gupta era began in ………………..
320. A.D.

Question 2.
The Gupta probably came over from …………

Question 3.
……………….. was the greatest ruler of gupta. dynasty.

Question 4.
Harsha gave importance to ………….

Question 5.
The gupta began their reign from the place …………….

Question 6.
Chandragupta I was called …………

Question 7.
One of the great drama of Kalidasa is ……………..

Question 8.
The literary work written by Sudraka is ………………

Question 9.
Visakadatta’s literary work is ………..

Question 10.
The founder of vardhana dynasty was …………..

III. Match The Following :

A             B
1. Chandragupta I a. Astnanomer
2. Chandragupta II b. Golden age
3. Skandagupta c. Lichavis
4. Gupta period d. Hunas
5. Aryabhata     e. Vikramaditya

IV. Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1.
Write about Chandragupta II.
Chandragupta II expanded his kingdom through various means. He defeated the Sakas and made western India a part of the Gupta empire. Through marriages, he extended his relationships with most of the kings.

He earned the title of Vikramaditya. His reign is memorable more for the encouragement given to literature, and art, rather than for its battle. Many writers of Sanskrit and other languages adored the court of Chandragupta II.

Question 2.
What were the reasons for the downfall of the Gupta Empire?
The following are the causes of the downfall of the Gupta empire.

The Gupta empire was continuously attacked by Huns.
They did not have a fully equipped large army.
During the period of Gupta, the administration was decentralized, this made the central government weak.
Trade and commerce also affected during this period. So cities lost their prominence.

Question 3.
Name the great scientists of the Gupta Age.
The great scientists of the Gupta age were:

Dhanwantri: He was a great Ayurvedic doctor. He is called as the father of Indian Medicine. His contribution to the medical field is considered as the Ayurvedic dictionary.
Charaka: He was a medical scientist. He wrote a book on medicine, the Charaka Samhita.
Sushruta: He was a great surgeon of Gupta age. He had contributed a lot to the field of surgery.
Aryabhata: Astronomer and a great mathematician. He wrote the Aryabhatteeyum.
Varaha Mihira: Great astronomer, his book on astronomy is panchasiddhantika, which is considered as the Bible of Astronomy. His works, Bruhat Samhita, Bruhat Jataka, and Laghu Jataka were also contributed a lot.

Question 4.
How was the administration during the Vardhana rule?
Vardhana kings were assisted by the council of ministers. The bureaucracy consisted of the Mahasandhivigraha, Mahabaladhikruta, Bhog’apati, and Doota. The kingdom had been divided into provinces. Land tax was the major source of income for the kingdom. The subordinate kings contributed tributes to the emperor. Harsha gave patronage to literature, music, art, and architecture, etc.

Class 8 Social Science 
The Guptas and Vardhanas 
Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer The Following Briefly :

Question 1.
Name the great poems of Kalidasa.
Meghadoota, Raghuvamsha, Kumarasambhava and Ritu Samhara are the great pomes of Kalidasa.

Question 2.
Name the noteworthy drama of Kalidasa.
Abhijnana Shakuntala is one of the noteworthy dramas of Kalidasa.

Question 3.
Who were the great scientists of the Gupta period?
Varahamihira, Bhaskara, Aryabhata. Charaka and Sushruta were the greatest scientists of this period.

Question 4.
Who was Fa – Hien?
Fa – Hien was a Chinese traveller who visited India during Vardhanas.

Question 5.
Who was Aryabhata?
Aryabhata was the most notable mathematician and astronomer of the Gupta age.

Question 6.
Who was Hiuen Tsang?
Hiuen Tsang was a Chinese pilgrim who visited India during the rule of Vardhanas.

II. Choose The Correct Option:

Question 1.
Meghadoota this poetic was created by
(a) Kalidasa
(b) Vishakadhatta
(c) Vikramaditya
(d) Charaka
(a) Kalidasa

Question 2.
Which is considered as the bible of astomonomy.
(a) Ayurveda
(b) Bruhat samhita
(c) Panchasiddhantika
(d) Bruhat jataka.
(c) Panchasiddhantika

 Question 3.
Monolithic temples mahabalispurani built by …………….
(a) Mahendra varma
(b) Narasimhavarma
(c) Shivahandavarma
(d) Adithya varma
(b). Narasimhavarma

Questions 4.
Chaityalaya at karle built by …………..
(a) Dadiga
(b) Poojyapala
(c) Vajrahandi
(d) Bhootapala
(d) Bhootapala

Question 5.
Gathasaptasaki is written by …………..
(a) pola
(b) Simuka
(c) Hala
(d) Shatakami
(c) Hala

Class 8 Social Science 
South India — Shatavahanas, Kadambas & Gangas 
Textual Questions and Answers

I. Complete The Following Sentences.

Question 1.
Simukha made ……………………. his capital.

Question 2.
The literary work written by Hala is …………..
Gathiasapta shati

Question 3.
The first inscription in kannada is ……………

Question 4.
Banavasi the capital of the Kadambas, is in today’s ……………………. district.
North Canara

Question 5.
The prominent king among the gangas was ……………

Question 6.
The literary work of Chavundaraya is ……………..
Chavunda purana.

II. Answer The Following Questions

Question 1.
Who was the last king of the shatavahanas? How did their dynasty become weak?
Yajnashri Shatakarni was the last king of the Shatavahana dynasty. The invasion of Shakas was common in Shatavaha 1 dynasty. But it was made severely during the period of Yajnashri Shatakarni. So the empire had lost its power.

Question 2.
Write about the art of Shatavahanas.
‘The Shatavahanas built viharas, chaityas, stupas, temples, and palaces. Karle, Maski, Kanheri, Amaravathi, Ajantha, and in many other places they constructed many temples. The Ajanta and the Amaravathi paintings were created during their period.

In addition to kings, rich people also constructed chaityas. A chaitryagraha was built in Karle by the Banavasi merchant Bhootapala. The sculptures of Amaravathi are of high artistic value, hence they are preserved in various museums.

Question 3.
What were the values which influenced the Ganga society?
The Ganga dynasty of Karnataka has been developed on some moral values. The people of the society were known for social values like honesty, loyalty and bravery, and patience. The people were loyal to the king and his officers. They were known for their patriotism.

They were ready to sacrifice their lives for their king and kingdom. They expressed patience and tolerance during times of difficulty. Even the kings of his dynasty were known for their love and affection for their subjects. They ruled some parts of Karnataka for about six centuries.

 Question 4.
Name four literary works of the period of the Gangas.
The kings were lovers of literature and due to their encouragement to Sanskrit, Prakrit, and Kannada languages.
Mahdhva II wrote a commentary on Dattaka sutra. Durvinita wrote the Sanskrit work Shabdavatara and he translated Gunadyas ‘Vaddakathe’ into Sanskrit Shree Purusha wrote Gajashastra.

Shivamadhava wrote Gajashtaka. Poet Hemasena wrote Raghava Pandaviya. Vabisimha wrote ‘Gadha Chintamani’ and ‘Shatra Chudamani’. Nemi Chandra wrote ‘Dravyssara Sangraha and Chavundaraya wrote‘Chavunda Purana’.

Class 8 Social Science 
South India — Shatavahanas, Kadambas & Gangas 
Additional Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks.

Question 1.
The founder of the Gupta dynasty was …………

Question 2.
V.A Smith calls the period of Guptas as the ………………… in India history.
Golden period’

Question 3.
The Gupta era started in ……………
319-20 C.E

 Question 4.
Allahabad prashati written by …………..

Question 5.
‘Meghadoota’ written by ………………

Question 6.
The name of military general vardhanas was ………..

Question 7.
One of the cradles of temple architecture is …………….

Question 8.
The first king of Pallavas was ………..

Question 9.
Hiuen Tsang visited the court of ………………

Question 10.
Buddhism was flourishing in the ………….. kingdom.

Question 11.
The statue of Gommateshwara was installed by …………….

Question 12.
The mahamastakabhisheka of Gommateshwara which taken place once in every ……….
12 years.

II. Match The Following :

A                                         B
1. Allahabad inscription        a. Astronomy
2. Kumara Sambhava             b. Panchasiddhantika
3. Aryabhata                        c. Mayura Varma
4. Varahamihira                    d. Tax official
5. Bhogapati                         f. Samudra Gupta
6. Mahabalipuram              g. Nalanda University
7. Chandravalli inscription h. Kalidasa


  1. f
  2. h
  3. a
  4. b
  5. g
  6. d
  7. e

III. Answer The Following

Question 1.
Which sources are useful to know about guptas.

Pillar of inscription Allahabad
Pillar insciption of Meharuli
Kalidasa’s poetics.
Writings and Fahiyan and Itsing etc.

Question 2.
Write the achievements of Chandragupta II.

He expanded the kingdom and brought stability.
He defeated the Sakas.
He developed a relationship with many Indian royal families.
Famous poet Kalidasa was lived in his court and he”wrote famous poetics.
Question 3.
Mention the scientists of the Gupta period.
  1. Dhanwantri
  2. Charaka
  3. Sushruta
  4. Aryabhata
  5. Varahamihira

Question 4.
Who was the famous king of vardhanas? Write his achievement.
Harshavardhana was a famous king of vardhanas.

Harsha captured Kassau’s and attacked the king of Bengal.
Bengal and Magadha came under his rule.
He gave importance to education and administration.

Question 5.
Which were the contributions of Pallavas?

They introduced systematic administration. It was the heroic age of the south.
They divided the kingdom as a mandala, Nadu, and grama.
Kanchi was the centre of Sanskrit literature. Bharavi and Dandi were the poets
There were people of different occupations like farmers, merchants, weavers, medicine man etc.
Commercial and trade organisations
Nasik, Kalyan, Broach, and Bhattkal were trade central.

Question 6.
What were the contributions of gangas to art and architecture?

They built beautiful temples and Basadis.
The kapileshwara temple at mantle, kolaramma temple at kolara nagareshwara temple at begur and the statue of gommateshwara at shravana belagola are examples to the architecture of gangas.
Pathaleshwara temple in Talakadu.
Tall pillars called Mahastambhas and Brahmamanast

Class 8 Social Science 
The Chalukyas of Badami and the Pallavas of Kanchi 
Textual Questions and Answers
I. Fill in the Blanks.

Question 1.
The Pallava king who was defeated by pulakeshi is …………
Mahendra Varma

Question 2.
The dynasty which gave the name karnataka is …………….
Badami chalukyas

 Question 3.
The writer of the Sanskrit drama Hara parvathiya is ………………..

Question 4.
The pallava king who earned the title vatapikanda is …………

Question 5.
The painting the meditation of Arjuna is in …………

II. Answer The Following

Question 1.
How pulakeshi II extended his empire?
Pulakeshi II was the most famous king of the Chalukyas of Badami. He tried to spread the fame of Karnataka across the oceans. He had control over entire South India except for some parts of Tamilnadu. So he waged a war against the Pal lavas and defeated Mahendravarma. When Harshavardhana declared war against Pulakehsi, a war took place between the two kings on the riverbank of Narmada and defeated him and returned his kingdom. He established his supremacy on Chera, Chola, Pandya, Malvas, Kosala, Kalinga kingdoms. Thus he founded a vast empire extending from Cauvery to the Narmada.

Question 2.
Describe the administration system of the Chalukyas.
The Chalukyas divided their empire into three provinces. The close relatives of the kings were appointed as the heads of those provinces’. Then they were divided into districts called vishaya and vishaya path was the head. The village was the smallest unit of administration. The village leaders looked after the village administration and accounts.

Land revenues, various types of tolls and professional taxes were collected as state revenue. They gave much importance to irrigation many tanks and canals were constructed to provide irrigation facilities to agriculture.

Question 3.
The Chalukyas were lovers of literature. Explain with examples.
Both Kannada and Sanskrit languages were flourished during this period. Many poets have written different literary works during this period. Tripodi form of poetry came into existence in the Kannada language. This can be seen in the inscription of Kappe Arabhatta of Badami.

The Sanskrit scholars of this time were Ravikirthi, Vijjika, and Akalanka. Carmudi Mahotsav was written by Pulakeshi II’s daughter-in-law protests Vijjika. Hara Parvaitya of Shivabhattaraka is important Sanskrit dramas.

Question 4.
Name the pallava kings who ruled from Kanchi.
The Pallavas are the first kings of Tamilnadu. They ruled from the 4th century to the 9th century. Shivaskandavarma was the first ruler of this dynasty. The famous kings of this empire were Mahendravarma II,
Narasimha Varma I, Mahendravarma II, An Narasimhavarma II, Dantivarma, Aparaj ita Pallava.
Mahendravarma I was defeated by Pulakeshi II and Narasimhavarma I defeated Pulakehsi II and got the title ‘Vatapikonda’.

Question 5.
How did the Pallavas encourage Sanskrit and Tamil?
The Pallavas encouraged both Sanskrit and Tamil. Kanchi was the center of Sanskrit literature. Bharavi wrote Kiratarjuniya, Dandi wrote Dashakumaracharita have adorned the court of the Pallavas. King Mahendralvarma himself write a social drama ‘Matta. Vilasa Prahasana’ and a book of Bhagavadujjika. Alvas and Nayanmars enriched Tamil literature. These cults of Bhakti wrote a number of the book in Tamil.

Class 8 Social Science 
The Chalukyas of Badami and the Pallavas of Kanchi 
Additional Questions and Answers

. Fill In The Blanks

Question 1.
Pulakeshi II’s younger brother was ………..
Kubja vishnuvardhana

Question 2.
The lord of the peninsula the title of ………..
Pulakeshi II

Question 3.
The Chalukyas were developed a special style of sculpture called ………
The chalukya style

 Question 4.
The best examples of Chalukyas style temples are …………
Aihole and pattadakal

Question 5.
The Pallava king who was defeated by pulakeshi is ………..
Mahendra Varma

Question 6.
The world-famous painting of Chalukyas is at …………

II. Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
This ruler earned the title ‘Lord of the peninsula’ during the Chalukyas period ………….
(a). Jayasimha
(b). Pulakeshi II
(c). Vishnuvardhana
(d). Kirtivarma
(b). Pulakeshi II

Question 2.
The smallest unit of administration during Chalukyas was ………..
(a). Nadu
(b). Vishaya
(c). Mandala
(d). Village
(d). Village

Question 3.
The Chalukyas developed a special style of sculpture called ……………
(a). The Pallava style
(b). The kadamba style
(c). The Chalukyas style
(d). The gangas style
(c). The Chalukyas style

Question 4.
The head of the village during Pallavas was ………..
(a). The Gramabhojaka
(b). The Gram ini
(c). The Gowda
(d). The Gramapala
(a). The Gramabhojaka

Question 5.
The Pallavas of Kanchi were ruled from …………. to ………..
(a). 350 C.E to 985 CE
(b). 350 CE to 895 CE
(c). 530 CE to 958 CE
(d). 540 CE to 753 CE
(b). 350 CE to 895 CE

III. Draw a South India Map and Mark

Question 1.
The boundary line of the Badami Chalukyas empire with places.

  1. Badami
  2. Banavasi
  3. Kolara
  4. Shravanabelgola
  5. Aihole
  6. Goa
  7. Warangal
  8. Nasik
  9. Latur
  10. Vengi

Class 8 Social Science
The Rashtrakutas of Manyakheta & The Chalukya’s of Kalyana 
Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks :

Question 1.
The founder of Rashtrakuta dynasty was ……………

Question 2.
The chalukya king of who was responsible for the defeat of Rashtrakuta was ……………
Tailapa – II

Question 3.
The author of kavirahasya is …………….

Question 4.
The famous poem written by ponna is ………….

Question 5.
The most king among the kalyana chalukya was ………..
Vikramaditya – VI

Question 6.
The person who can be called ‘ the pioneer of social revolution is …………

II. Answer The Following Questions

Question 1.
How was the administrative system of the Rashtrakutas?
Rashtrakuta kings developed a good administrative system. The king had a council of ministers to assist him in the administration. ‘Mahasandhivigrahi’ a prominent minister used to look after foreign affairs. The kingdom was divided into Rashtra or Mandalas and vishaya, Nadu and Grama.

The leader of the grama was called gramapati or prabhugavunda. He was assisted by a village accountant to look after the financial matters. Some system of administration was adopted in Nadu, Vishaya and the Rashtra. Taxes were collected from different sources.

Question 2.
Write about the educational system under the Rashtrakutas
The Agraharas and Mathas were centers of education. Salotgi in Indi taluk was a great center of education. The number of hostels was established to give shelter to the students who were coming from different parts of the country and abroad. Knowledge was imported about Sanskrit, the Vedas, astrology, logic, and the Puranas.

Question 3.
Write about the Ellora temple.
The Rashtrakutas were patrons of art. The Rashtrakutas built cave temples at Ellora. The Kailasanatha temple at Ellora was built by Krishna I is a monolithic wonder. This temple has been carved from a rock about 100 feet height, 276 feet long, and 154 feet wide. It is the only temple in the world carved ou by a single rock. Nearby is the famous Dashavatara cave temple.

The sculpture at the elephant caves near Mumbai is a milestone in the Rashtrakuta sculpture. The statues of Ardhanarishwara and Maheshamurti have been exquisitely carved. The Rashtrkuta temples are in Shiravala of Raichur district. There is a beautiful Jain temple at Pattadakallu.

Question 4.
How did Kalyan Chalukyas encourage literature?
The kings of Kayana Chalukyas were not only encouraged the literature but also they themselves were a great writer. In both Sanskrit and Kannada languages, many works have been written by various scholars.

Sanskrit: Someswara III one of the kings of this dynasty wrote “Manasollasa”. This is considered s the encyclopedia of Sanskrit. Vadhiraja wrote Yashodhara Charita, Bilhana wrote “Vikramankadeva charitanT, Vignaneshawara wrote ‘Miltakshara’, Nayasena wrote ‘Dharmamruta’.

Kannada: Ranna wrote ‘Gadhayuddha’ and ‘Ajithanatha Purana’, Durga Simha wrote ‘Panchatantra’, Kirthivarma wrote ‘Govydya’. In addition to the traditional works of scholars, many shivasharanas wrote Vachana literature. Basaveswara, Akkamahadevi, Allamaprabhu, Machayya, and others were leading Vachanakaras.

Class 8 Social Science 
The Rashtrakutas of Manyakheta & The Chalukya’s of Kalyana 
Additional Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks

Question 1.
Halayudha wrote ………..

Question 2.
Someshwara I defeated ………………… in koppam

Question 3.
………………. was written by someswara III

Question 4.
Panchatantra was written by …………..

Question 5.
Arab travaller Sulaiman visited ……………………. court of Rashtrakutas.

Question 6.
The foreign affairs look after in Rashtrakutas dynasty was ……………

Question 7.
‘Kavirajamarga’ the significant in Kannada written by …………..

Question 8.
Kalyani chalukya rule started by …………..
Kalachuri Bijjala.

III. Answer The Following

Question 1.
Name some of the Rashtrakutas Rulers.
Krishna, Dantidurga, Govinda – II, Dhruva Govinda – III, Amogavarsha.

Question 2.
Amogavarsha was a great king of Rashtrakutas. How?

The early region of Amoghavarsha had to face many obstacles.
He was not interested in feuds and desired peace.
He got rid of enmity be developing martial relations with the gangas and Pallavas.
Since he was peace having king, he had or give up some territories in the north
Arab traveller Sulaiman has praised Amoghavarsha has one of the four powerful emperors of the world.

Question 3.
Write the achievements of someshwara I

He built a new city called Kalyana and made it his capital.
He defeated Rajadhiraha in koppam.
Question 4.
Write the achievements of Vikramaditya IV.

  1. He began the chalukya vikrama era – in 1076 C.E
  2. He suppressed the revolt of the Hoysala king vishnuvardhana
  3. He had established contact with the Srilanka a king vijayabahu.

Question 5.
Write a note on Basaveshwara

Jagajyothi Basaveshwara devoted his life to spreading the values of the Veera Shaiva sect to the common people.
Soft advice, harsh criticism, strict warning.
Surrendering oneself to shiva.
He established anubhava mantappa in 1162 CE.
He wrote many popular vachanas.

Question 6.
Name the important coins of Kalyan had Chalukyas.
Mints were set up in lakkundi and sudi to mint coins like gadyana, pana, dhrumma, pon and suvarna.


Question 1.
Match The Following

A                 B
1. Bilhana             a. Dharmamruta
2. Someshwara III     b. Mitakshara
3. Nayasena             c. Gadhayuddha
4. Vignaneshwara     d. Manasollasa
5. Ranna                     e. Vachanas
6. Allamaprabhu     f. Vikramankadeva charitha

  1. f
  2. d
  3. a
  4. b
  5. c
  6. e

Class 8 Social Science 
The Cholas and Hoysalas of Dwarasamudra 
Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Question 1.
The capital of the cholas was ………….

Question 2.
The committee of the subjects in every village during the period of the cholas was ………….

Question 3.
The most famous chola educational centre or agrahara was ……….

Question 4.
The temple in Begur near bangalore built by the cholas was ……….
Cholashwara temple

Question 5.
The army of body guards during the time of the Hoysalas was …………

Question 6.
The poem written by Raghavanka ……………
Harichandra kavya

II. Answer The Following

Question 1.
Who was the founder of the chola kingdom?
Karikala chola was the founder of chola kingdom.

Question 2.
Write a note on the significant features of the chola administration.
The Chola administration was developed on the basis of the self-governance of the village. The grama Sabhas were the first Sabhas. Tara – Kuram was a village. Every Kurram had a village committee named Mahasabha. This was also called perumguri and its members were perumakkal. They were elected through elections. Only Sanskrit scholars and rich people were allowed to stand for election.

Question 3.
Describe the encouragement given by the Hoysalas to literature.

Poets                         Books/ works
1. Rudrabhatta         Jagannatha vijaya
2.Janna                         Yashodhara charite
3. Harihara                 Gitija Kalyana
4. Raghavanka         Harishchandra kavya
5. Keshiraja                 Shabdamani Darpana
6. Ramanujacharya Sreebhasya
7. Parasharabhatta Sri guna ratnakosha

Class 8 Social Science 
chapter - 12
The Cholas and Hoysalas of Dwarasamudra 
Additional Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks

Question 1.
The Cholas were started ……………. literature.

Question 2.
The Brihadeeshwara temple built by …………..
Rajaraja Chola 1

Question 3.
Perumakkal were members of …………

Question 4.
Periya were members of ……….

Question 5.
The military general ketamalla built the ……………… temple.

II. Match The Following

A                                         B
1. Bellandur lake               a. Thirukkadeva
2. Choleshwara temple      b. Vishnuvardhana
3. Jeevika Chintamani       c. Kamba
4. Talakadugonda              d. Dasoja
5. Famous sculptors      e. Bangalore
6. Ramayana                       f. Rajendran

  1. e
  2. f
  3. a
  4. b
  5. d
  6. c
III. Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Thanjavur made as to the capital of Cholas by …………..
a. Rajaraja Chola
b. Karikala Chola
c. Rajendra Chola
d. Vijaya Chola
d. Vijaya Chola

Question 2.
The foremost quality of the Chola administration was ………….
a. Self-governance of the village
b. The excellent irrigation system
c. Special attention to literature
d. Encouraged education and Sangam literature
a. Self-governance of the village

Question 3.
The Channakeshava temple is at
a. Belur
b. Talakadu
c. Halebeedu
d. Gangawadi
a. Belur

Question 4.
During Hpysala’s period visliishtadvaita philosophy spread by …………..
a. Madhwa charya
b. Shankaracharya
c. Ramahujacharya
d. Bgsaveshwara
c. Ramahujacharya

Question 5.
The military general ketumafla built the …………. temple
a. Brihadeslnvara
b. Hoysaleslrwara
c. Chennakeshava
d. Keshava
b. Hoysaleslrwara

Question 6.
The great poet Janha wrote ………….
а. Jagannatha Vijaya
b. Shabdamani darParpana
c. Yashodhara charite
d. Harishchandra kavya
c. Yashodhara charite

IV. Answer The Following

Question 1.
Which were the achievements of Rajarajachola?
  1. He strengthened his army and expanded his kingdom.
  2. He overpowered the Cheras, gangas, and pandyas.
  3. He captured Srilanka and bagan overseas trade.
  4. He built the Brihadeershwara temple at Thanjavur.

Question 2.
Write a note on educational development in the Hoysalas period.

Agarahars, madias, and temples were centres of education.
There were excellent educational institutions at Melukote salagame and other places.
Here a study of the Vedas Kannada and Sanskrit used to be carried on.

Question 3.
Mention the famous sculptors of Heysalas period.
Dasoya, Chavana, Jakana, and Dankana sculptors in Hoysalas period.




Class 8 Social Science 
Man and Culture 
Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks:

Question 1.
Culture means ……………
Cultivate or Tend

Question 2.
Customs means ……………….. activities.
aspect of cultural

Question 3.
……… in Diversity found in India

Question 4.
………. relationship is found between culture & society

Question 5.
Culture is the ……… transfer of ideas from generation to generation
Life style

II. Answer The Following In A Sentence:

Question 1.
What is culture?

the word culture is derived from Latin word colere. colere means cultivate or tend in Latin
culture means the transfer of knowledge experience, belief, value, behavior, hierarchy, relationship from generation to generation

Question 2.
Give examples of the cultural diversity present in your neighbourhood.
If we observe people in and around us, we can find varieties of people with varieties of dress, language, customs, behavior, religions, and practice, etc.

Question 3.
Who divides culture into two groups?
In order to explain the unique features of culture, Ogburn divides culture into material and non-material culture.

 Question 4.
What is material culture?
The culture is created by human beings by converting natural resources into man-made structures like a house, building, bridge, road, dam, machines, production centers, industries, computers technology & others.

Question 5.
What is the non-material culture?
Non-material culture means human achievements, Tradition, belief, ritual and custom, Moral values, ideals, art, literature, religion language, and many others are examples of non-material culture and it undergoes slow change.

II. Answer the Following In 4 To 5 Sentences:

Question 1.
What is the custom? Give example.
Culture is made up of beliefs, values, rules, social conventions, and morals. These can collectively be called custom.
Ex Values enable us to determine what is good and bad in every culture.

Question 2.
Explain Culture diversity.
Culture is not uniform. Aspects of culture like customs, moral values, art, belief, language differ from Society to Society considerably.

In food habits, the difference is visible when compared to South Karnataka with North Karnataka. Not only this even people living in the same place tend to have different cultures, achieving unity in this diversity is important.

Question 3.
Which are the features of culture?

  1. Culture is abstract
  2. Culture is social
  3. Culture is learnt
  4. Culture meant co-existence
  5. Culture is continuous
  6. Culture is diverse

Question 4.
Culture and Society are 2 faces of the same coin How?
Culture makes human beings different from other animals. Social controls in a Society are based on cultural aspects. The social controls define human behavior. Every institution regulates the behavior of the individual through its cultural tools.

The social world of humans consists of various societies with numerous human relationships. form of circus. The people who participate belong to a different language, customs, and culture group. They all differ in their physical appearances too. But they assemble to celebrate. Fairs reinforce Social relationships. Various artisans display their skills here.

Question 5.
Explain the features of the fair.

Fairs are the most important cultural ritual of rural societies.
A fair is not only a religious expression it also functions as a temporary market for the neighboring villages.
They are also the window for entertainment soon after harvest season.
People participate in fairs irrespective of caste language etc.
Many performance narrate the local versions of Ramayana and Mahabharatha.
There are considered as the motivating aspects of social life.
Language is another example of this cultural expression.
Class 8 Social Science Culture Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Write the definitions of culture.

According to E.B. Taylor. “Culture includes knowledge belief, art, traditions and any other capabilities earned by the human being as a member of society”.
According to Malinowski “The tool created by human beings to design his aims of life is called culture”.

Question 2.
“Culture is a treasure of knowledge” How?

It provides the social and physical existence of human beings.
Human beings have to utilize their learned knowledge in order to survive.
Language is part of the culture.
The future generation is guided by the present generation.
Post knowledge is stored in the form of proverbs paintings folk songs passed on the next generation.
The future generation forms its own culture and marches into the future.

II. Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
This is considered as the main aspect of social change ………….

Question 2.
“The tool created by a human being to design his aims of life is called as culture” this statement defined by …………..

Question 3.
It is not a feature of culture …………..
Culture is not continuous

Question 4.
Literature, Religion, Language are an example of this culture ……….
Non-material culture.

Class 8 Social Science 
The Earth – Our Living Planet 
Textual Questions and Answers
I. Fill In The Blanks:
Question 1.
The total geographical area of the earth is ________ sq. Kms.
1.510 billion
Question 2.
The shape of the earth is ________
Question 3.
The equatorial and polar diameters of the earth is ________ and ________Kms.
3.12756 and 12714
Question 4.
The 23 1/2° North latitude is called as ________
Tropic of cancer
Question 5.
The Indian standard time is based on ________ longitude.
82 1/2°
II. Answer The Following Questions
Question 1.
Why is the Earth called ‘Living Planet’?
The earth is the home for all forms of life-like plants, animals and human beings both on land and water bodies. Because it is situated in a suitable distance from the Sun, range of temperature, life-supporting gasses, atmosphere, water cycle etc.
Question 2.
Why arc the Northern and Southern hemispheres called Land and Water Hemispheres?
The land and water bodies are unevenly distributed between the Northern and the Southern hemispheres. The Northern Hemisphere was 60% of land and 40% of water. Therefore it is called the ‘Land Hemisphere’. On the other hand, there is 81% of water and 19% of land in the Southern Hemisphere and so it is called as the ‘Water Hemisphere’.
Question 3.
What arc latitudes and longitudes?
Latitudes are an imaginary line which joins all the places which have the same angular distance north or south of the equator. Longitudes are the imaginary lines intersect the equator at a right angle joining the north and south.
Question 4.
Mention the difference between local time and standard time.
Local time: The time according to the longitudes of a place or according to the position of Sun at that place is known as the local time. This is based on the local meridian passing over that place. Standard time:- The longitude which passes in the center of a particular nation is known as standard Meridian. The time of standard Meridian is taken as Standard time. Indian Standard Time is based on 82½ East longitude.
Question 5.
What is the International Date Line?
A line passing through 180° meridian diametrically opposite to the G.M.T. was appointed as the point where circumnavigators should make adjustments. This line supposed to pass the Pacific ocean along the 180° Meridian but make short detours in order to avoid landmasses. This is known as the International Dateline because the date and day are changed whenever people cross this line by ships or airplanes. Any ship crossing this line from west to east gains a day, while the ship crossing this line from east to west loses a day.
III. Define The Following:
1. Unique planet:
The Earth is called a Unique planet because of its features. It is the only planet that supports life, that is why it is called “Living Planet”. The Earth is the home of all forms of life-like plants, animals and human beings because of its suitable distance from the Sun, range of temperature, life-supporting gases, atmosphere, water cycle etc.
2. Size of the Earth:
The Earth is the fifth largest planet in the Sun’s family. The diameter of the Earth is approximately 4 times greater than the Moon and it is around 107 times less than that of the Sun. The total geographical area of the Earth is 51 Million sq.kms.
3. Geoid:
The Earth’s shape is often described as Geoid, which literally means ‘Earth shaped’, or ‘Oblate spheroid’. The Earth is flattened at the poles and bulges at the equator. The Equatorial diameter of the Earth is 12756 kms and the Polar diameter is 12714 kms Equatorial circumference-40,076 kms and Polar circumference-40,008 kms. The difference of 42 kms in diameter is proof regarding the Geoid shape of the Earth.
4. Continents:
The land bodies of the Earth are known as Continents. There are seven continents, namely Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. The continents are landmasses of large size. Asia is the largest continent in the world while Australia is the smallest continent in the world.
5. Prime Meridian:
Line of longitude are called Meridians (meri-mid and dian -day) because of all places along the same meridian of longitude experience noon or mid-day at the same time. The meridian passing through Greenwich (England) has been chosen as Prime Meridian. It is marked as 0° longitude.
6. Indian Standard Time:
In India, 82½° East longitude is considered as the Standard Meridian of the country. It passes through Allahabad of Uttar Pradesh. The time based on this Meridian is called the Indian Standard Time (1 ST). It is 5 hours and 30 Minutes ahead of G.M.T.
I. Multiple Choice Questions:-
1. The Literal meaning of geoid is ________
(a) Round shaped
(b) Flat Shaped
(c) Square shaped
(d) Earth shaped
(d) Earth shaped
2. The ratio between the land and the water bodies is ________
(a) 1 : 2.44
(b) 1 : 2.45
(c) 1 : 2.43
(d) 1 : 2.46
(c) 1 : 2.43
3. Lines of latitudes arc called ________
(a) Meditararian
(b) Medirian
(c) Meridian
(d) Mereurians
(b) Medirian
4. On the Equator, the distance between two consecutive meridians is ________
(a) 110 Kms
(b) 116 Kms
(c) 111 Kms
(d) 101 Kms
(c) 111 Kms
5. The time based on the standard meridian is called ________
(a) 1ST
(b) SIT
(c) STI
(d) TSI
(a) 1ST
6. 23½° North latitude is called ________
(a) Tropical
(b) Tropical region
(c) Tropic of Capricorn
(d) Tropic of cancer.
(d) Tropic of cancer.
II. Fill In The Blanks
Question 1.
The large water bodies on earth are called ________
Question 2.
The land and water bodies are unevenly distributed between the _________ and ________ hemispheres.
Northern Southern
Question 3.
The equator (0°) is the longest line of ________
Question 4.
Lines of the longitudes are called which mean ________
Question 5.
________ is the smallest and shallowest ocean.
III. Answer The Following Questions
Question 1.
What are the other names of the earth?
The other names of the earth are ‘Living planet’, ‘unique planet’, ‘watery planet, ‘Blue Planet’.
Question 2.
What are Meridians?
Lines of longitudes are called MeridiAnswer:
Question 3.
What are the oceans?
The large water bodies on the earth are called oceAnswer:
Question 4.
What is a grid or graticule?
The horizontal lines are the lines of latitudes and the vertical ones are called lines of longitudes. These lines intersect each other at the right angles and create a network called grid or graticule.
Question 5.
Name the important oceans of the world.
There are four major oceans they are the pacific ocean, the Atlantic ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.
Question 6.
What are the lines of latitudes and longitudes?
To know the position, distance, and west or north and south, a network of lines are drawn on the globe. These are called lines of latitudes and longitudes.

Class 8 Social Science 
Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks:

Question 1.
The continental crust is also called ______

Question 2.
Vast basin shaped volcanic mouth is ______

 Question 3.
The most destructive earthquake waves are ______
Surface waves

Question 4.
Stalactites and stalagmites are most common in ______

Question 5.
The beaches are formed bv work ______
Sea wave work.

II. Answer The Following Questions In 1 or 2 Sentences Each.

Question 1.
Mention the three major layers of the interior of the Earth.
The three major layers of the interior of the Earth are The Crust, The Mantle, and The Core.

Question 2.
Name the types of volcanoes on the basis of the frequency of eruption.
On the basis of the frequency of eruption, volcanoes are classified into three types. They are
  • Active volcanoes
  • Dormant volcanoes and
  • Extinct volcanoes.

Question 3.
Name the landforms associated with the work of the river.
The following are some of the important earthquake zones of the world.

The circum-Pacific belt or Pacific ring of fire. Japan, Philippines, etc.
Mid-Atlantic Belt – Ice land, West Indies.
Mid-continental Belt – Italy, Spain, etc.
Important Islands: Hawai, Indonesia.

Question 4.
Mention the important earthquake zones of the world.

The circum – pacific belt-Regions around the Pacific ocean
The Mediterranean belt-Regions around the Mediterranean sea.
The Himalayan belt-The Siwalik regions of India.
Question 5.
What is weathering? Name the three main types of weathering.
Weathering is the wearing away or breaking down or gradual disintegration of rocks by agents present in the atmosphere. The three types of weathering are:

Mechanical weathering
 Chemical weathering
Biological weathering.

III. Match The Following

A         B
SIMA (a) Earthquake
Sandstone     (b) Yellow soil
Epicenter     (c) Oceanic crust
Geyser (d) Sedimentary rock
Loess (e) Under groundwater.


A         B
SIMA (c) Oceanic crust
Sandstone     (d) Sedimentary rock
Epicenter     (a) Earthquake
Geyser (e) Underground
Loess (b) Yellow soil

IV. Define The Following :

1. Aqueous rocks :
Sandstone rocks arc called aqueous rocks.

2. ‘Pacific ring of fire’:
Coastal margins or the Pacific Ocean consisting of the Philippines, Japan, USA, Central America, South America, etc.

3. Mechanical weathering:
When the rock is broken and disintegrated without any chemical alteration, the process is called Physical weathering or Mechanical weathering.

4. Carbonaceous rocks:
Organic sediments are those derived by the accumulation of remains of organisms.

5. Tsunami:
A tsunami is a large sea wave occasionally experienced along the coasts of Japan.

6. Continental glacier:
Continental glaciers are extensive ice sheets found in polar regions.

7. Hot spring:
Whenever warm or hot water comes out naturally it is called a hot spring or thermal spring.

Class 8 Social Science 
Additional Questions and Answers

I. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. The uppermost layer of the earth is called ______
(a) The Mantle
(b) The core
(c) The coir
(d) The crust
(d) The crust

2. The most important materials of the core are ______
a. Nickel and cobalt
b. Ferrous and cobalt
c. Nickel and ferrous
d. Aluminium and cobalt
c. Nickel and ferrous

3. The word Igneous rocks are made of ______
(a) Small crystals
(b) Large crystals
(c) Thin crystals
(d) Hard crystals
(d) Hard crystals

4. ‘Sedimentary’ means ______
a. Rising up
b. Floating down
c. Sinking down
d. Settling down
(d). Floating down

5. A passage in the earth’s crust through which magma is ejected is called ______
(a). Nent
(b) Sent
(c) Vent
(d) Pent
(c) Pent

6. The effects of an earthquake are greater if the seismic focus lies ______
a. Near the surface of the earth.
b. On the surface of the earth.
c. Below the surface of the earth.
d. Far away from the surface of the earth.
a. Below the surface of the earth.

7. The point of origin of the earthquake in the earths crust is called ______
(a) Hypsometer
(b) Hypograph
(c) Hypocycle
(d) Hypocentre
(a) Hypometer

8. Surface waves are also called as______
(a) Lengthy waves
(b) Small waves
(c) Long waves
(d) Short waves.
(a) Short waves.

9. Name of the active volcanoes in the USA called ______
(a) Mt. Etna
(b) Mt. Stromboli
(c) Mt. Batan
(d) St. Helenas
(d) St. Helenas

II. Fill In The Blanks:

Question 1.
The depth of the Mantle is ______ Kms from the surface.

Question 2.
The funnel-shaped hollow at the top of the cone of a volcano is called ______

Question 3.
The scientific study of an earthquake is called ______

 Question 4.
The scientific study of an earthquake is called ______
‘Harbour waves’.

Question 5.
The glaciers found in the polar regions are called ______
Mountain glaciers.

III. Textual Questions:

Question 1.
What is the mantle?
The mantle is the second and the middle layer of the earth.

Question 2.
What is ‘Gutenberg Discontinuity’?
The boundary that separates the Mantle from the core is called ‘Gutenberg Discontinuity’.

Question 3.
How are ‘Igneous’ rocks formed?
Igneous rocks are formed by the cooling of the molten matter of the earth.

Question 4.
How many Kinds of rocks are there? Name them.
On the basis of mode of formation, rocks are classified into three types. They are

  1. Igneous rocks
  2. Sedimentary rocks
  3. Metamorphic rocks.

Question 5.
What are glaciers? Name its types.
Glaciers are slowly moving. compacted masses of ice and snow found in the high mountains and polar regions. There are two types of glaciers, they are:

Continental glaciers
Mountain or Alpine or valley glaciers.

Question 6.
Name the types of spring.
There are five types of spring. They are:

Perennial spring
Intermittent spring Hot springs.
Artesian wells.

Question 7.
What are Barchans?
Barchans are semi-circular or crescent-shaped sand deposits most common in the deserts.

IV. Terms To Remember:

1. Magma and lava:-
The rock materials in the liquid or molten state is called ‘magma’ and when it comes out from the earth is called ‘lava.’

2. Fluvial Cycle:- The work of the river.

3. Glacial cycle:- Work of the Glacier.

4. Aeolian cycle:- Work of wind.

5. Karsttography:-  Relief features formed by underground water in the limestone region.

6. Nife:-  Nickel and Ferrous.

7. Arenaceous and argillaceous rocks:- Sandstone and shale.

8. Tectonic forces:-  The forces between the earth plates.

Class 8 Social Science 
Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks.

Question 1.
The two major gases of the atmosphere are _____
Nitrogen and oxygen

Question 2.
The lowest layer of the atmosphere is _____

Question 3.
The average cur pressure of the atmosphere at the sea level is _____
1013.25 mb

 Question 4.
Westerlies is also known as _____
Anti trade winds

Question 5.
The scientific study of weather is _____

II. Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1.
What is atmosphere?
The thin blanket of air that surrounds the earth is called the Atmosphere. This layer of gases forms a protective boundary between the outer space and the earth’s space. It is the second layer of the earth.

Question 2.
Name the important layers of the atmosphere.
The atmosphere may be divided into five important layers. They are Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere.

Question 3.
What is the significance of the ozone layer?
The ozone layer is the most important gas which absorbs ‘ultraviolet rays’ of the sun and protects all forms of life on the earth. This layer is free from clouds and other important weather phenomena and provides ideal flying conditions for jet aircraft.

Question 4.
What is Doldrum? Where is it found?
The Equatorial low-pressure belt is a zone of high temperature and low pressure. It lies between 0° to 5° North and South of the equator. This region gets direct rays of the Sun almost throughout the year. Hence air is always very warm and hot. This is a calm region with very little wind so it is called “Doldrum” means ‘belt of clam’. This region is also called the Inter-Tropical convergence zone where the trade Winds coverage.

 Question 5.
Name the different types of planetary winds.
Planetary winds are also called permanent or prevailing or regular winds that blow more or less in the same direction throughout the year. Trade winds, westerlies, or Anti-trade winds, and the polar winds are the three types of planetary winds.

Question 6.
What are the local winds? Give any two examples.
Periodic winds are the result of variation in local temperature, pressure, humidity which in turn are attributed to the formation of air currents, crossing mountain ranges, valleys and other relief barriers.
Eg:- Mountain breeze, Sea breeze, Valley breeze.

Question 7.
Mention the different types of clouds.
Cloud is a mass of small water drops or ice crystal, formed by the condensation of the water in the atmosphere usually at a considerable height above the earth’s surface. The important types of clouds are Stratus, Cumulus, Cirrus, Nimbus, etc.

Question 8.
Distinguish between weather and climate.
Weather: The atmospheric conditions of a smaller area at a particular time is called weather. The scientific study of weather is called ‘Meteorology’. Climate: Climate is the average condition of the atmosphere over a long period of time of a larger area. The scientific study of climate is called ‘Climatology’.

III. Define The Following:

1. Ionosphere :
It is also called Troposphere. It is the lowest layer of the atmosphere. It extends upto 18 kms at the equator and 8 Kms near the poles. All-weather changes occur in the troposphere.

2. Normal lapse rate :
It is the decreasing rate of temperature with the increase of altitude. The rate of decrease is 1°C for every 165 meters of 6.4° for every 1000 meters of height.

3. Torrid zone :
This is the zone of high temperature. This region is found between 0° or equator and Tropic of Cancer in the north and the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn in the south.

4.Horse latitudes :
North subtropical high-pressure belt is found between 30° to 35° north latitudes popularly called ‘horse latitude’.

5.Orographic rainfall :
It is also called ‘Mountain rainfall’ or ‘Relief rainfall’. When moisture-laden air is obstructed by a mountain barrier, the air is forced to rise up. As the air rises upwards, it cools and gets saturated. Further cooling or this air causes condensation resulting in orographic or mountain rainfall.

6. Climatology :
The scientific study of climate is called Climatology.

Class 8 Social Science 
Additional Questions and Answers

I. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. The lowest layer of the atmosphere is ______
(a) Troposphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(d) Exosphere.
(a) Troposphere

2. The layer which lies next to mesosphere is ______
(a) Exosphere
(b) Thermosphere
(c) Stratosphere
(d) Mesosphere.
(b) Thermosphere

3. An atmospheric condition of a place at a given time is called ______
(a) Season
(b) Climate
(c) Weather
(d) Temperature.
(c) Weather

4. The average weather condition of an area over a long period of time is called ______
(a) Temperature
(b) Weather
(c) Season
(d) Climate
(d) Climate

5. Incoming solar radiation from the sun to the earth is called ______
(a) Insolation
(b) Isolation
(c) Isotherm
(d) Inflonation
(a) Insolation

6. The instrument used to measure temperature is ______
(a) Barometer
(b) Thermometer
(c) Exometer
(d) Hydrometer
(b) Thermometer

7. Air pressure is measured by an instrument called ______
(a) Hydrometer
(b) Exometer
(c) Barometer
(d) Thermometer.
(c) Barometer

8. The unit used to show the pressure is ______
(a) Megabar
(b) Multibar
(b) Minibar
(d) Millibar.
(d) Millibar.

9. ‘Doldrum’ means ______
(a) Calm
(b) Bell of calm
(c) Calm
(b) Bell of calm

10. The instrument used to measure the speed of the wind is ______
(a) Barometer
(b) Ammeter
(c) Anemometer
(d) Hexometer.
(c) Anemometer

II. Fill In The Blanks

Question 1.
______ is the third layer in the earth’s atmosphere.

Question 2.
______ and ______ are the important thermometers used to measure atmospheric temperature.
Centigrade and Fahrenhei

Question 3.
______ is the most important factor that influences atmospheric pressure.

Question 4.
______ is the horizontal movement of the air on the surface of the earth.

Question 5.
The direction of the wind is shown by an instrument called ______
Wind vane or weather clock.

Question 6.
______ are also called periodic winds.
Seasonal winds

Question 7.
Cumulus clouds are popularly called ______
Wool packs.

Question 8.
Cirrus clouds popular name is ______
Mare’s tail or witch’s broom

III. Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1.
What are the components of the atmosphere?
The important components of the atmosphere are Nitrogen, oxygen, Argon, carbon dioxide, ozone.

Question 2.
What are the important factors that influence atmospheric temperature?
The important factors that influence atmospheric temperature are latitude, altitude, distance from the sea, wind, ocean currents, relief, clouds, rainfall. Etc.

Question 3.
What is Torrid zone?
This is the zone of high temperature. This region is found between 0° or equator and Tropic of cancer in the north and the equator and Tropic of Capricorn in the south.

Question 4.
What is temperate zone?
This is the region where the temperature is neither very hot nor cold. This region lies between 23½°N to 66½°N and 23½°S to 66½°S.

Question 5.
What are Isotherms?
Isotherms are lines drown on the map or globe connecting places having the same temperature.

Question 6.
What are Isobars?
These are Imaginary lines drawn on the map or globe connecting places having the same pressure.

Question 7.
What is atmospheric pressure?
Air has weight and it exerts pressure. This is called atmospheric pressure.

 Question 8.
Name the major pressure belts of the earth.
Major pressure belts of the earth are:

  1. The equatorial low-pressure belt.
  2. North sub-tropical high-pressure belt.
  3. South sub-tropical high-pressure belt.
  4. North subpolar low-pressure belt.
  5. South subpolar low-pressure belt.
  6. North polar high-pressure belt.
  7. South polar high-pressure belt.
Question 9.
What is the cloud?
Clouds are a mass of small water drops or ice crystals, formed by the condensation of the water in the atmosphere, usually at a considerable height above the earth’s surface.

Question 10.
Name the types of Rainfall.
The important types of Rainfall are:

  1.  Convectional rainfall
  2.  Orographic rainfall and
  3. Cyclonic rainfall.
  4. IV Terms to Remember

1. Insolation: It means incoming solar radiation from the sun to the earth.

2. Inversion of temperature: In some situations, temperature also increases with increasing height. This takes place is mountain valleys during long winter nights with a clear sky, dry air, no wind, and snow-covered surface.

3. Anemometer: Used to measure the speed of the wind.

4. Roaring forties: The westerlies of the southern hemisphere are very strong over the oceans around 50° south latitudes.

5. Nimbus: Nimbus clouds are rain clouds that occur at low levels. These clouds have the shape of stratus or cumulus. They are dark grey or black in appearance. They cause heavy rainfall or snowfall.

6. Meteorology: The scientific study of weather is Meteorology.

Class 8 Social Science 
Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks:

Question 1.
The average depth of the continental shelf is _______
100 fathoms

Question 2.
One fathom is equal to _______
6 ft

uestion 3.
The deepest place in the pacific ocean is _______
The challenger deep

Question 4.
The average salinity of the ocean water is _______
35 PPT

Question 5.
_______ tides occur during full moon

II. Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1.
What is a hydrosphere?
The hydrosphere is the most important layer of earth. Nearly 71% of the total area of the earth is covered by water bodies like oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, etc. All these water bodies are called as Hydrosphere.

Question 2.
Mention the four major parts of the ocean floor.
The four major parts of the ocean floor are

  1. The Continental Shelf
  2. The Continental slope
  3. The Deep sea plain and
  4. The Ocean deep.

Question 3.
State the difference between ocean currents and tides.
Ocean currents:

Ocean currents are the regular movement of ocean water from one region to another.
Ocean currents are of two types ‘warm currents and cold currents.

 Tides are the periodic rise and fall in the sea or ocean level.
They occur due to gravitational attraction by the moon, gravitational force by the sun, rotation of the earth and centrifugal force of the earth.
The two types of tides are spring tide and Neap tides.

Question 4.
Distinguish between spring tide and neap tide.
Springtide: spring tides take place when the earth the moon and the Sun are in the same straight line. E.g. New moon and Full moon days.

Neap tides: Neap tides occur in the first quarter and last quarter days in the phase of the Moon. During this time the sun and the earth are in the same straight line and the moon is in a right angle to the earth.

Question 5.
How can we conserve the oceans?
We can conserve oceans through following-methods:

Oil transportation should be done through pipelines.
 Nuclear waste should not be dumped into the sea or ocean.
Dumping of any waste near the ports and harbours must be controlled.
Ore deposition and mineral exploitation along the coast must be controlled.
Exploitation and destruction of beaches must be controlled.


A                             B
1. Fathom         (a) deep sea plain
2. Oyashio         (b) eastern coast of U.S.A
3. Gulf stream (c) cold current
4. Sea mounts (d) Indian ocean
5. Agulhas current (e) depth of ocean

A                             B
1. Fathom         (e) depth of the ocean
2. Oyashio         (c) cold current
3. Gulf stream (b) eastern coast of U.S.A
4. Seamounts (a) deep-sea plain
5. Agulhas current (d) Indian ocean

IV. Define The Following :

1. Continental shelf: This is the shallow area along the sea coast. This part is bordered by the sea coast on one side and continental slope on the other side. The average depth of the continental shelf is 100 fathoms.

2. Salinity: It is the percentage of salts dissolved in the sea or ocean water. The average salinity of the ocean water is 35 PPt. The salinity of ocean water is very high near the tropics and it is very low near the poles.

3. Warm and cold currents :
These currents originate and flow from the equatorial regions to subpolar regions. These currents originate in the Polar Regions and flow towards the equatorial region.

4. High tide and Low tide: The tide, also known as flood tide, and low tide also known as Ebb tide.

5. Benguela current: It is the South Atlantic Ocean cold current.

6. Tides: Tides are the periodic rise and fall in the sea or ocean level.

Class 8 Social Science 
Additional Questions and Answers

I. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. The small semi-circular water bodies partially surrounded by land are called _____
(a) Bays
(b) Gulf
(c) Sea
(d) OceAnswer:
(a) Bays

2. This is the shallow area along the sea coast _____
(a) Continental slope
(b) Continental shelf
(c) The deep-sea plain
(d) The ocean deep
(b) Continental shelf

3. The deep-sea plain is also known as _____
(a) Ocean deep
(b) Deep-sea.
(c) Abyssal plain
(d) Obyssal plain.
(c) Abyssal plain

4. The ocean deeps are also called _____
(a) Obyssal plain
(b) The ocean deep
(c) Abyssal plain
(d) Ocean trenches.
(d) Ocean trenches.

5. The average salinity of the- ocean water is _____
(a) 35 PPT
(b) 37 PPT
(c) 36 PPT
(d) 39 PPT
(a) 35 PPT

II. Fill In The Blanks:

Question 1.
______ are a deep and large expanse of water found between the continents.

Question 2.
______ is a part of an ocean or sea that penetrated into the land.

Question 3.
______ takes place when the earth, the moon, and the sun are in the same straight line.
Spring tides

Question 4.
During ______ the sun and the earth are in the same straight line.
Neap tides

Question 5.
The coldest place on earth is ______

III. Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1.
Why the temperature of the ocean water near the equator is more than Arctic Arctic and the Antarctic circles?
It is because the sunlight can penetrate into the ocean only upto a depth of 200 meters.

Question 2.
What are ocean currents?
Ocean currents are the regular movement of ocean water from one region to another.

Question 3.
Name the south Indian ocean currents.
The south Indian ocean currents are Mozambique, Madagascar, Agulhas as warm currents and west Australian as cold currents.

Question 4.
What are tides? How do they occur?
Tides are the periodic rise and fall in the sea or ocean level. They occur due to gravitational attraction by the moon, gravitational force by the sun, rotation of the earth, and centrifugal force of the earth.

Question 5.
Name the different kinds of tides.
Springtide and Neap tide.

Question 6.
How are tides useful to mankind?
Tides are directly and indirectly useful to mankind in the following ways. It helps navigation

Helps in the location of ports and harbours.
Tides help to keep the harbours clean.
They help the fishing.
Help to generate energy in the form of tidal energy.

V. Terms To Remember:

1. Gulf stream: Warm current.

2. Salinity: The percentage of salts dissolved in the sea or ocean water.

3. Warm current: It originates and flows from the equatorial regions to wub- polar regions.

4. Kuroshio current: Honshu Hokkaido fishing ground.

5. Flood tides: Flood tides.

6. Tidal energy: Generates electricity through tides.

Class 8 Social Science 
Textual Questions and Answers

I. Answer The Following Questions

Question 1.
What is Biosphere?
The total living organisms on this earth from the microorganisms to the biggest creatures are called the biosphere. The biosphere includes both animals and plants. It is the fourth component of the earth. It includes the living creatures within the Hydrosphere, on the earth, and in the atmosphere.

Question 2.
Define ecology?
Ecology is the study of the interaction of living organisms with their physical, chemical and biological environment.

Question 3.
Name the different types of environmental pollution.
Environmental pollution is the unfavorable alteration of the environment with the intervention of man and his relative activities. The four types of Environmental pollution are :

  1. Air Pollution
  2. water pollution
  3. Soil pollution
  4. Noise pollution

Question 4.
What are the measures to control water pollution?
The water bodies on earth are polluted a lot in recent years. We have to conserve the purity of water bodies which are very essential for our life.

We should not allow the industrial wastes to flow into the rivers and tanks directly. They should be treated.
Drinking water must be kept clean.
Drains and sewage water should not flow into the rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans.
Disposal of waste on the water bodies must be controlled.

Question 5.
What is Bio-diversity?
The variety of plants (flora) and animals (fauna) in a region is known as bio-diversity. The distribution of different kinds of plant and animal species in a region shows the richness of bio-diversity. We should conserve the bio-diversity for the survival of mankind and other species of the Biosphere.

II. Define The Following:

1. Biosphere: Biosphere is the part of the earth where life exists.

2. Ecological imbalance:  In a natural environment, there is a perfect balance between the various organisms living together in the biosphere. This is known as an ecological imbalance.

3. Global warming :
The temperature of the earth is increasing slowly over the years. For the last few years, global temperature has increased. This phenomenon is termed as Global warming.

4. Greenhouse effect: Increasing greenhouse gases is causing an increase in temperature. This is called the ‘Greenhouse effect’.

5. Ozone depiction: In recent years the use of air conditions, refrigerators, sprays, and deodorants are destroying the ozone due to the synthetic chemicals released into the atmosphere, primarily  chlorofluorocarbons

6. Acid rain: Acid rain contains high amounts of acids particularly sulphuric acid and carbon monoxide.

Class 8 Social Science 
Additional Questions and Answers

I. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. The only living planet in our solar system is _____
(a) Earth
(b) Mars
(c) Venus
(d) Neptune
(a) Earth

2. Acid rain is also referred to as _____
(a) river killer
(b) Lake killer
(c) Sea killer
(d) Water killer
(b) Lake killer

3. High amounts of acids particularly sulphuric and carbon monoxide is found in _____
(a) Ozone depletion
(b) Greenhouse effect
(c) Acid rain
(d) Global warming
(c) Acid rain

4. Epidemic diseases are caused due to this pollution _____
(a) Air pollution
(b) Soil pollution
(c) Water pollution
(d) Noise pollution
(c) Water pollution

II. Fill In The Blanks:

Question 1.
Pollutants are the substances that cause _____

Question 2.
_____ is a thin layer of gas found in the stratosphere.

III. Answer The Following Questions

Question 1.
What is the environment?
The environment is the surroundings where an organism, a community, or an object exists.

Question 2.
What is environmental pollution?
Answer: Environmental pollution is the unfavorable alteration of our surroundings, wholly or partly by human action through direct and indirect effects.

Question 3.
The important air pollutants are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, chloroform
carbons, hydrocarbons etc.

Question 4.
What are the measures to control air pollution?

  1. Control of gaseous pollutants.
  2. Control of emission from automobiles.
  3. Planting more trees.
  4. Use of non-conventional energy sources.
  5. Awareness programme, legal control literacy, and education.

Question 5.
What is water pollution?
Water pollution is an alteration in the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water which may have harmful effects on human and aquatic life.

Question 6.
What are the important sources of water pollution?
The important sources of water pollution are :
Natural: Soil erosion, landslides, volcanic eruption, decay and decomposition of plants and animals etc.
Man-made: Industrial effluents, urban waste, domestic waste, agricultural waste, thermal waste, oil spill, nuclear waste, etc.

Question 7.
Name the different kinds of water pollution.
Water pollution is of different types.

  1. Sea or ocean water pollution
  2. Groundwater pollution
  3. River water pollution
  4. Lake pollution. Etc.

Question 8.
What is soil pollution?
Soil pollution is a decrease in the quality of soils either due to human sources or natural sources by both.

Question 9.
What are the results of soil pollution?
Answer: It results in the increase of soil erosion, lack of humus, decrease in soil microorganisms, plant nutrients etc.

Question 10.
What are the sources of soil pollution?
Sources of soil pollution, industrial and mining waste. Domestic and urban waste, agricultural waste, nuclear waste etc.

Question 11.
What are the effects of soil pollutants?
Answer: The effects of soil pollutants are it decreases the fertility of the soil, converts the region into a wasteland, destroys the microorganisms in the soil, etc.

Question 12.
What is noise pollution?
Noise pollution is any undesirable sound dumped into the atmosphere leading to health hazards.

Question 13.
What are the important sources of noise pollution?
The important sources of noise pollution are :
Natural: Thunder, cyclones, lightning, heavy rainfall, hailstorms, waterfalls, ocean waves.
Man-made: Industrial noise, automobiles, air crafts, domestic noise, mining, etc.

 Question 14.
What are the effects of noise pollution?
The noise pollution causes temporary or permanent hearing problems, headaches, restlessness, cardiovascular diseases, physical disorder, behavioural changes, lack of concentration, etc.

Question 15.
What are the measures to control noise pollution?

  1. Industries must be located away from residential areas.
  2. Construction of soundproof walls in the factories.
  3. Restricting unnecessary use of sirens, horns and loudspeakers.
  4. Airports must be located away from residential zones.
  5. Protective instruments the workers in the industries.
  6. Noise producing vehicles must be checked.


Class 8 Social Science 
Meaning and Importance of Economics 
Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks:

Question 1.
Economy refers to the nature of the organization of ______
Economic activities

Question 2.
NITI Ayog was set up in ______

Question 3.
Free enterprise is a basic feature of economy ______

Question 4.
Good example of capitalist economy is ______

Question 5.
Co-existance of public and private sectors is seen in ______
Mixed economy.

II. Answer The Following

Question 1.
What is an economy?
An economy as a frame work of economic institutions where all economic activities are carried out to improve individual and social welfare.

Question 2.
Mention the features of capitalist economic system.

  1. Private property
  2. Freedom of enterprises
  3. Consumers sovereignty
  4. Profit motive
  5. Competition
  6. Absence of government

Question 3.
What are the defects of capitalist system?
An individual acquire the property and used for one’s own benefit. Business people earn the highest possible profit. Capitalist” class are motivated to maximize their profit. These lead to intense competition, inequal distribution of wealth. Production is also guided by consumer choices only in the capitalist system.

Question 4.
What is planning?
The conscious and wise process through which the government with certain specific objectives utilizes the country’s resources in a profitable maimer in order to secure maximum satisfaction of its people is called planning.

 Question 5.
How are economic classified on the basis of level of development?
On the basis of level of development economics can be classified into two ‘ categories.

Developed economy
Developing economy
Question 6.
How does government regulate the activities private sector in mixed economy.

Production units owned by the government which work with welfare objective.
It also regulates the activities of private sector througli various policies such as licensing policy taxation policy, price policy, monetary policy and fiscal policy.

Question 7.
What is disinvestment?
The government is selling its shares of public sector industries, which is called disinvestment.

Question 8.
Why is India considered a developing economy?
The national and Percapita income is low. India has backward agricultural and industrial sectors. Low savings, investment and capital formation, low standard of living, poor health and sanitation, high infant mortality, high birth and death rates, and poor infrastructure.

Class 8 Social Science 
Meaning and types of Economics 
Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1.
What is a socialist economy?
When productive resources are owned and controlled by the government to promote the overall interest of society. It is called a socialist system.

Question 2.
What is a mixed economy?
A mixed economy combines the good feature of both capitalism and socialism.

Question 3.
When did the planning commission was set up in India? Write its aims.
This was set up in 1950 Its aims :

To prepare plans for all-round development.
To implements the five-year plans and year
Question 4.
What is NITI Ayog?
The planning commission has been replaced by the NITI. NITI means a National institution for transforming India Ayog.

Question 5.
What are the objectives of Indian plans?

  1. Economic growth
  2. Modernization
  3. Social justice
  4. Elimination of poverty
  5. Employment
  6. Satisfaction of basic needs

II. Multiple Choice Questions.

1. “Economy as a system by which people get a living” defines by
a) Robbins
b) A.C. Pigou
c) A.J. Brown
d) Paul.A.Samuelson
c) A.J. Brown

2. The aim of Indian Planning commission is
a) to replace capitalism
b) Continuous change
c) Welfare state
d) All-round development
d) All-round development

3. The property is used for one’s own benefit it is features of
a) Consumer’s sovereignty
b) Private property
c) Freedom of enterprise
d) Profit motive
b) Private property

 4. Industrial policies are formulated by the government of India in
a) 1952
b) 1966
c) 1956
b) 1966

5. Today the role of the public sector is declining because
a) Increasing the M.N.Cs.
b) Lack of co-ordination
c) More space is provided to the private sector.
d) More space is given to the social sector.
c) More space is provided to the private sector.

Class 8 Social Science 
Basic Concepts of Economics 
Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks:

Question 1.
The word ‘Economics’ originates from the greek root words ______ & ______
Oikos , nomos

Question 2.
The basic economic problems of every individual is ______ & ______
Scarcity & Choice

Question 3.
The activities that generate income are ______
Economic activities

Question 4.
Micro economics is the study of ______ units.

Question 5.
Macro economics is the study of ______ units

II. Answer The Following:

Question 1.
What is Economics?
The word “economics” comes from the Greek words “oikos”, meaning “household” and “nomos”, meaning “management”. Thus, economics refers to the art of “household”, “management” that involves using the available means to satisfy the basic needs of the family as well as to prosper.

Question 2.
Define scarcity?
Scarcity is the basic problem and the central problem of economics. Scarce means limited. When we have the scarcity of money to buy goods and services we choose the most desirable wants or prioritize them in order of importance.

Question 3.
List the different economic activities?
Economic activities are classified into four kinds

  1. Production
  2. Consumption
  3. Exchange
  4. Distribution

Question 4.
When you buy a pen, which branch of economics analysis your decision
Microeconomics analysis of our decision.

 Question 5.
Define microeconomics
Microeconomics is the study of decision making to use resources by the smallest components of the society namely households and business terms.

III. Answer the following in three to four sentence each :

Question 1.
What are the economic activities?
We use our skills and labour to earn money and satisfy our wants by using that money. The varied activities which we perform in order to earn money and wealth, for the satisfaction of our wants, are called economic activities.

Question 2.
Why do we need to study economics?
The study of economics

Recognize the scarcity of resources against unlimited wants.
Economize on the use of resources and search for more efficient ways of using the resources.
Contribute to the government’s revenue and assist it in the discharge of its developmental and welfare programmes.
Understand the socio-economic problems of the country.
Question 3.
Differentiate between micro and macroeconomics?


Micro Economics

Macro Economics


Study of economics at a very small level

The economy is a very large entity


It is study about individual, households and business firms.

It is study about welfare activities, regulation of inflation etc


The subject matters are interaction of the buyers, sellers in market

It is study about unemployment, economic growth, etc

Question 4.
What are the basic economic problems

What to produce The type and quantity of various goods produced depends upon the resource availability on the one hand.
How to produce Weather to use a technology that uses more labour or capital is to be decided by the society.
For whom to produce Every society had to decide the distribution of scarce resources and goods and services among all individuals.

Question 5.
What are the major economic decisions are taken by the government?

Recognize the scarcity of resources against unlimited wants.
Identifying more important and less importation.
Economize (save) on the use of resources.
Engage in economic activity to support
Development and welfare programs
Poverty, unemployment, inflation, etc and try to provide solutions to same the government which is responsible for maintaining law and order and providing the same.

Class 8 Social Science 
Basic Concepts of Economics 
 Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1.
Who is the father of economics? Write his definition of economics
Adam smith is the father of economics. Economics is the study of wealth.

Question 2.
Write the definitions of economics

Economics is a study of people in the ordinary business of life – Alfred Marshall (1890).
“Economics is a study of wealth” Adam Smith 1776 (Father of economics)

II. Multiple Choice Questions

1. The people using goods and services are called the _____
a) Labourers
b) distributors
c) producers
d) consumers
d) consumers

2. “Economics is the study of wealth” stated by _____
a) Samuelson
b) Alfred Marshall
c) Adam Smith
d) Lionel Robbins
c) Adam Smith

 3. The organisation of economic _____
activities are called
a) Management
b) Economy
c) Economic structure
d) Economic activities
b) Economy

4. Collection of Taxes, Welfare activities, regulation of inflation are matters of _____
a) Macroeconomy
b) Management economy
c) Micro economy
d) Economic activities.
a) Macroeconomy

5. Basic economic problems are _____
a) What to produce?
b) How to produce?
c) For whom to produce?
d) All the above options.
d) All the above options.

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